01892 267 200
Protect your business against disaster easily and securely with automatic online backup
Data loss can be disastrous for companies. Whether it is from a security breach or a careless mistake, the impact can be huge and can result in a loss of revenue and customers, irreversible damage to the company reputation and, following the introduction of GDPR, large regulatory fines.
You may undertake some form of local backup via the storage of data onto a tape drive or external hard drive but this method is vulnerable to forgetfulness and temperamental hardware, is often insecure and can be irreparably damaged by fire or freak weather occurrences.
Using our online backup service can overcome these limitations. Host My Office online backup provides an affordable, reliable and secure way of securing your business's data.
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Host My Office are the market leader in technology and support solutions in Kent and the South East.
Their system backup and anti cyber service is military level security at a fraction of the price and I can't praise their Hosted Desktop service enough. It allows you to work from anywhere in the world with as little as an iPad or laptop.
You could be on the beach, or on your yacht, or in a Paris restaurant. It's brilliant.